
class jsl.document.Options(additional_properties=False, pattern_properties=None, min_properties=None, max_properties=None, title=None, description=None, default=None, enum=None, id='', schema_uri='', definition_id=None, roles_to_propagate=None)[source]

A container for options.

All the arguments are the same and work exactly as for fields.DictField except properties (since it is automatically populated with the document fields) and these:

  • definition_id (str or Resolvable) – A unique string to be used as a key for this document in the “definitions” schema section. If not specified, will be generated from module and class names.
  • schema_uri (str) – An URI of the JSON Schema meta-schema.
  • roles_to_propagate (callable, string or iterable) – A matcher. If it returns True for a role, it will be passed to nested documents.
class jsl.document.Document[source]

A document. Can be thought as a kind of fields.DictField, which properties are defined by the fields and scopes added to the document class.

It can be tuned using special Options attribute (see Options for available settings):

class User(Document):
    class Options(object):
        title = 'User'
        description = 'A person who uses a computer or network service.'
    login = StringField(required=True)
classmethod is_recursive(role='default')[source]

Returns True if there is a DocumentField-references cycle that contains cls.

Parameters:role (str) – A current role.
classmethod get_definition_id(role='default')[source]

Returns a unique string to be used as a key for this document in the "definitions" schema section.

classmethod resolve_field(field, role='default')[source]

Resolves a field with the name field using role.

classmethod resolve_and_iter_fields(role='default')[source]

The same as iter_fields(), but resolvables are resolved using role.

classmethod resolve_and_walk(role='default', through_document_fields=False, visited_documents=frozenset([]))[source]

The same as walk(), but resolvables are resolved using role.

classmethod iter_fields()[source]

Iterates over the fields of the document, resolving its resolvables to all possible values.

classmethod walk(through_document_fields=False, visited_documents=frozenset([]))[source]

Iterates recursively over the fields of the document, resolving occurring resolvables to their all possible values.

Visits fields in a DFS order.

  • through_document_fields (bool) – If True, walks through nested DocumentField fields.
  • visited_documents (set) – Keeps track of visited documents to avoid infinite recursion when through_document_field is True.

iterable of BaseField

classmethod get_schema(role='default', ordered=False)[source]

Returns a JSON schema (draft v4) of the document.

  • role (str) – A role.
  • ordered (bool) – If True, the resulting schema dictionary is ordered. Fields are listed in the order they are added to the class. Schema properties are also ordered in a sensible and consistent way, making the schema more human-readable.


Return type:

dict or OrderedDict

classmethod get_definitions_and_schema(role='default', res_scope=ResolutionScope( base=, current=, output= ), ordered=False, ref_documents=None)[source]

Returns a tuple of two elements.

The second element is a JSON schema of the document, and the first is a dictionary that contains definitions that are referenced from the schema.

  • role (str) – A role.
  • ordered (bool) – If True, the resulting schema dictionary is ordered. Fields are listed in the order they are added to the class. Schema properties are also ordered in a sensible and consistent way, making the schema more human-readable.
  • res_scope (ResolutionScope) – The current resolution scope.
  • ref_documents (set) – If subclass of Document is in this set, all DocumentField s pointing to it will be resolved as a reference: {"$ref": "#/definitions/..."}. Note: resulting definitions will not contain schema for this document.


Return type:

(dict, dict or OrderedDict)

class jsl.document.DocumentMeta[source]

A metaclass for Document. It’s responsible for collecting options, fields and scopes registering the document in the registry, making it the owner of nested document fields s and so on.


A class to be used by create_options(). Must be a subclass of Options.

alias of Options

classmethod collect_fields(mcs, bases, attrs)[source]

Collects fields from the current class and its parent classes.

Return type:a dictionary mapping field names to fields
classmethod collect_options(mcs, bases, attrs)[source]

Collects options from the current class and its parent classes.

Returns:a dictionary of options
classmethod create_options(options)[source]

Wraps options into a container class (see options_container).

Parameters:options – a dictionary of options
Returns:an instance of options_container