Source code for jsl.fields.base

# coding: utf-8
from ..resolutionscope import ResolutionScope
from ..roles import Resolvable, Resolution, DEFAULT_ROLE

__all__ = ['Null', 'BaseField', 'BaseSchemaField']

class NullSentinel(object):
    """A class which instance represents a null value.
    Allows specifying fields with a default value of null.

    def __bool__(self):
        return False

    __nonzero__ = __bool__

Null = NullSentinel()
A special value that can be used to set the default value
of a field to null.

# make sure nobody creates another Null value
def _failing_new(*args, **kwargs):
    raise TypeError('Can\'t create another NullSentinel instance')

NullSentinel.__new__ = staticmethod(_failing_new)
del _failing_new

[docs]class BaseField(Resolvable): """A base class for fields of :class:`documents <.Document>`. Instances of this class may be added to a document to define its properties. Implements the :class:`.Resolvable` interface. :param required: Whether the field is required. Defaults to ``False``. :type required: bool or :class:`.Resolvable` :param str name: If specified, used as a key under which the field schema appears in :class:`document <.Document>` schema properties. .. versionadded:: 0.1.3 """ def __init__(self, name=None, required=False): #: Name = name #: Whether the field is required. self.required = required
[docs] def resolve(self, role): """ Implements the :class:`.Resolvable` interface. Always returns a ``Resolution(self, role)``. :rtype: :class:`.Resolution` """ return Resolution(self, role)
[docs] def iter_possible_values(self): """Implements the :class:`.Resolvable` interface. Yields a single value -- ``self``. """ yield self
[docs] def get_definitions_and_schema(self, role=DEFAULT_ROLE, res_scope=ResolutionScope(), ordered=False, ref_documents=None): # pragma: no cover """Returns a tuple of two elements. The second element is a JSON schema of the data described by this field, and the first is a dictionary that contains definitions that are referenced from the schema. :param str role: A role. :param bool ordered: If ``True``, the resulting schema dictionary is ordered. Fields are listed in the order they are added to the class. Schema properties are also ordered in a sensible and consistent way, making the schema more human-readable. :param res_scope: The current resolution scope. :type res_scope: :class:`~.ResolutionScope` :param set ref_documents: If subclass of :class:`Document` is in this set, all :class:`DocumentField` s pointing to it will be resolved to a reference: ``{"$ref": "#/definitions/..."}``. Note: resulting definitions will not contain schema for this document. :raises: :class:`.SchemaGenerationException` :rtype: (dict, dict or OrderedDict) """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def iter_fields(self): """Iterates over the nested fields of the document examining all possible values of the occuring :class:`resolvables <.Resolvable>`. """ return iter([])
[docs] def walk(self, through_document_fields=False, visited_documents=frozenset()): """Iterates recursively over the nested fields, examining all possible values of the occuring :class:`resolvables <.Resolvable>`. Visits fields in a DFS order. :param bool through_document_fields: If ``True``, walks through nested :class:`.DocumentField` fields. :param set visited_documents: Keeps track of visited :class:`documents <.Document>` to avoid infinite recursion when ``through_document_field`` is ``True``. :returns: iterable of :class:`.BaseField` """ yield self for field in self.iter_fields(): for field_ in field.walk(through_document_fields=through_document_fields, visited_documents=visited_documents): yield field_
[docs] def resolve_and_iter_fields(self, role=DEFAULT_ROLE): """The same as :meth:`.iter_fields`, but :class:`resolvables <.Resolvable>` are resolved using ``role``. """ return iter([])
[docs] def resolve_and_walk(self, role=DEFAULT_ROLE, through_document_fields=False, visited_documents=frozenset()): """The same as :meth:`.walk`, but :class:`resolvables <.Resolvable>` are resolved using ``role``. """ yield self for field in self.resolve_and_iter_fields(role=role): field, field_role = field.resolve(role) for field_ in field.resolve_and_walk(role=field_role, through_document_fields=through_document_fields, visited_documents=visited_documents): yield field_
[docs] def get_schema(self, ordered=False, role=DEFAULT_ROLE): """Returns a JSON schema (draft v4) of the field. :param str role: A role. :param bool ordered: If ``True``, the resulting schema dictionary is ordered. Fields are listed in the order they are added to the class. Schema properties are also ordered in a sensible and consistent way, making the schema more human-readable. :raises: :class:`.SchemaGenerationException` :rtype: dict or OrderedDict """ definitions, schema = self.get_definitions_and_schema(ordered=ordered, role=role) if definitions: schema['definitions'] = definitions return schema
[docs] def resolve_attr(self, attr, role=DEFAULT_ROLE): """ Resolves an attribure with the name ``field`` using ``role``. If the value of ``attr`` is :class:`resolvable <.Resolvable>`, it resolves it using a given ``role`` and returns the result. Otherwise it returns the raw value and ``role`` unchanged. :raises: :class:`AttributeError` :rtype: :class:`.Resolution` """ value = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(value, Resolvable): return value.resolve(role) return Resolution(value, role)
[docs]class BaseSchemaField(BaseField): """A base class for fields that directly map to JSON Schema validator. :param required: If the field is required. Defaults to ``False``. :type required: bool or :class:`.Resolvable` :param str id: A string to be used as a value of the `"id" keyword`_ of the resulting schema. :param default: The default value for this field. May be :data:`.Null` (a special value to set the default value to null) or a callable. :type default: any JSON-representable object, a callable or a :class:`.Resolvable` :param enum: A list of valid choices. May be a callable. :type enum: list, tuple, set, callable or :class:`.Resolvable` :param title: A short explanation about the purpose of the data described by this field. :type title: str or :class:`.Resolvable` :param description: A detailed explanation about the purpose of the data described by this field. :type description: str or :class:`.Resolvable` .. _"id" keyword: """ def __init__(self, id='', default=None, enum=None, title=None, description=None, **kwargs): #: A string to be used as a value of the `"id" keyword`_ of the resulting schema. = id #: A short explanation about the purpose of the data. self.title = title #: A detailed explanation about the purpose of the data. self.description = description self._enum = enum self._default = default super(BaseSchemaField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_enum(self, role=DEFAULT_ROLE): """Returns a list to be used as a value of the ``"enum"`` schema keyword.""" enum = self.resolve_attr('_enum', role).value if callable(enum): enum = enum() return enum
[docs] def get_default(self, role=DEFAULT_ROLE): """Returns a value of the ``"default"`` schema keyword.""" default = self.resolve_attr('_default', role).value if callable(default): default = default() return default
def get_definitions_and_schema(self, role=DEFAULT_ROLE, res_scope=ResolutionScope(), ordered=False, ref_documents=None): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError() def _update_schema_with_common_fields(self, schema, id='', role=DEFAULT_ROLE): if id: schema['id'] = id title = self.resolve_attr('title', role).value if title is not None: schema['title'] = title description = self.resolve_attr('description', role).value if description is not None: schema['description'] = description enum = self.get_enum(role=role) if enum: schema['enum'] = list(enum) default = self.get_default(role=role) if default is not None: if default is Null: default = None schema['default'] = default return schema